
Welcome to my little corner of the world. Thanks for stopping by to take a peek inside. Here you'll find cooking tips, info on agriculture (my industry), and anything else I find interesting. I'm also an observer of human nature, be prepared to hear some interesting things!!! Oh, please leave comments. If you like it or not, let me know how I can improve, or do more of the things you already like! Dave

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Something on my mind

Winter, in the sense of the continum of life, is the season of ending... death. Really, it that true?

I sit here in the office, pondering life and human nature. People are not as they used to be. Life has gotten colder, people around us, less warm, and winter has reminded me of that.
Thinking that the white represents more than cold and death, it looks like a clean slate. It appears that winter wipes the slate clean.

From the mud and brown of early spring, flowers and green grass come forth. New animals are born. It is the season of re-birth.

Summer comes and all the activity that is associated. Chasing around to kids events, spending time with family and friends sipping a cold home-brew, grilling in the backyard. Entertaining. Life is good in the summer. All the cares seem to slip away for a while, and we're able to really enjoy life.

Fall brings with it the spectre of death. The season of growing is over and with it comes maturity and death. Also, people seem to harden in the fall. The laughing smiling faces of spring and summer are now diminished. Left are the saddened masses knowing that the year is coming to an end. They trudge through their daily routine and grouch at others around them.

Winter brings certain death. The once colorful flowers and trees are bare. Stark and shivering, the brown grass and bare shrubs seem to cower against the cold and harsh winter.

However, through the winter, life is about to spring again. Mother Nature must go through the cycle to begin again. I don't see Winter as the final season, just part of the cycle.

Life is similar.

Faced with a winter of death, I prefer to think of it as a transition from life to re-birth. With each new year brings the hope of a better one. Life is the same. Our souls may pass through a season of winter, but they are re-born again in the spring.

I'm not usually this dark, and that time has passed, but stark cold days make me ponder life and human nature.

Today is one of those days.


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