
Welcome to my little corner of the world. Thanks for stopping by to take a peek inside. Here you'll find cooking tips, info on agriculture (my industry), and anything else I find interesting. I'm also an observer of human nature, be prepared to hear some interesting things!!! Oh, please leave comments. If you like it or not, let me know how I can improve, or do more of the things you already like! Dave

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kids philosophies

Why is it that the little darling that starts all the trouble is the loudest to complain with the punishment comes?? Usually the response from me comes from a line from the movie "Men In Black" and to quote Will Smith (while talking to the big bug) "If you don't start nothin', there won't be nothin'."

Damn, can't they figure this out on their own?? I'm a bit tired of telling the 20th kid, that "yes, they hit you back because you started it! You got what you deserved!"

Call me old school. I'm not buying the soft and cuddly approach with kids. Do you seriously think their boss will get all soft and cuddly when the "don't feel like working today...". Yeah, right. Let's teach them some coping skills like "I don't care if you feel a headache coming on, finish your project and quit complaining."

I'm out for now, but had to get that off my chest.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Winter here again!

Winter is here again. Damn. I had hoped we could skate through the rest of the month without any really cold weather. Wrong again. It's 5F with a wind chill of -20F. Ok, I don't want to hear how cold it is from you east-coasters. Come to the midwest and we'll show you what cold is!

Anyway, it makes for some extra time indoor for those hearty winter meals. Made a big batch of chicken enchilada casserole last night, extra spicy. Helps keep you WARM! I'm not going to post the recipe here unless someone asks. Leave a comment and I'll post it later.